Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hajj And Eid ul Adha Printable Activities For Preschoolers

Hajj And Eid ul Adha Printable Activities For Preschoolers Pdf.

كتيب أنشطة الحج وعشر ذي الحجة وعيد الأضحى للأطفال من موقع بالعربي نتعلم 

Here are coloring worksheets that explain the rituals of Hajj for children and preschoolers in a simple way… In addition to talking about Eid al-Adha and its etiquette… The papers are ready for printing for coloring!

كتيب أنشطة الحج وعشر ذي الحجة وعيد الأضحى للأطفال .. Hajj And Eid ul Adha Printable Activities For Preschoolers

  •  16 worksheets in Arabic for children (PDF) to teach the child the rituals and pillars of Hajj and the etiquette of Eid al-Adha through entertaining activities.

You may like: Free!- Printable Eid Sheep Worksheets for Kindergarten.

Eid ul Adha Printable Activities For Preschoolers Pdf

This Hajj pack will help your little ones to learn about Hajj and Eid ul Adha. as a useful guide in teaching children about core Islamic principles.

It includes:

  • An activity to teach the child the months of the Hijri year and the month of Dhul-Hijjah.
  • A worksheet on Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam
  • activity Worksheet about the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah
  • Hajj Pillars coloring worksheet for kids
  • Hajj and eid aladha craft
  • Hajj map
  • Puzzles and matching cards about Hajj and Eid ul Adha
  • Eid sheep Printable activities and cut-out games
  • Read it, Build it, Write it mats
  • Printable Maze about Eid ul Adha
  • Eid al-Adha greeting card to color
  • Hajj and Umrah Coloring sheets

For a high-quality printable PDF soft copy:

  • Price for personal use:  5$
  • Price for commercial use: 25$

For payment and inquiries, you can contact us via WhatsApp or email:



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Eid Mubarak, everyone!

You may like: Hajj and Umrah Coloring Pages – Muslim Kids Activities

Coloring Activity about Ihram Clothes in Hajj

 ورقة عمل تلوين مناسك الحج للأطفال -أنشطة الحج وعشر ذي الحجة وعيد الأضحى للأطفال- Hajj And Eid ul Adha Printable Activities For Preschoolers

Coloring activity about Ihram Clothes – teaching the rituals of Hajj to children.

الإحرام: ينوي المسلم أداء فريضة الحج، ويجدد توبته إلى الله، فإذا وصل الميقات وهو المكان الذي يُحرم فيه الحاج، والإحرام هو الاغتسال والتطيب ولبس الإزار على وسطه ورداء على كتفيه للرجل، أما المرأة فلبسها يجب أن يغطي جسمها، ثم يدخل الحاج في النسك ويبدأ بالتلبية: “لبيك اللهم حجًا” ثم يلبي “لبيك اللهم لبيك، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك”.

You may like:Eid Ul Adha Craft Ideas and Activities for kids )

Eid Al-Adha, Hajj, Kaaba, Mecca, Ihraam, Sheep, Charity, Mosque, Ismael, Ibrahim, Sacrifice, Pilgrimage, Eid Mubarak, Tawaaf, Pilgrim, Greater Eid, Lesser Eid, Salaat Al-Eid, Islam, Muslims, Patience, Lunar Calendar, Hajj Homecoming, Hadiya, Thul-Hijja, Safa & Marwa, Muzdalifa, Ritual Shave, Zamzam well, Zamzam water, Umrah, Pillar of Islam.

Best Stories about Eid ul Adha and Hajj For Kids

سلسلة قصص اطفال عن الحج وعيد الأضحى -أنشطة الحج وعشر ذي الحجة وعيد الأضحى للأطفال

Let’s learn more about Eid al-Adha and Hajj with the most beautiful illustrated stories through HikayaApp.

Hikayat: Arabic Stories For Kids

The application Hikayat contains a collection of Islamic stories for children that will help your kids to learn about the biggest sacrifice of this festival.

These colorful illustrated Stories will explain to your child why we Muslims celebrate this Eid, where it comes from, and what we can learn from this day.

Inside you will find a lot more information about Hajj, Mecca, The Ka’aba, Prophet Abraham, Muslim customs, and more. Your child, from these Stories, will learn a lesson about kindness to others, and also learn how to spend time well during this holiday.

Download Now !! .. Hikayat: Arabic Kids Stories

تطبيق حكايات بالعربي أندرويد
تطبيق حكايات بالعربي آب ستورز

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